Vyzov Prize Scientific Committee Chairman Artem Oganov Rated One of Russia’s Top Chemists And Materials Scientists

17 мая 2024 17:34

Artem Oganov, Professor with Skoltech and Head of the Department of Semiconductors and Dielectrics with MISIS University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics and Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences was featured in two rankings released by Research.com. He ranks second out of 60 among Russia’s top chemists, and second out of 35 among Russia’s best materialsscientists.

Research.com relies on objective bibliometric data to produce its worldwide rankings. A scholar’s position in a ranking is based on their D-index (Discipline H-index), which includes publications and citation data for the discipline in question.


The National Prize for Future Technologies is managed by the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations in partnership with Gazprombank, Rosatom State Corporation and Roscongress Foundation, and with support from the City Government of Moscow. The Vyzov Prize commemorates the Decade of Science and Technology announced in 2022, and is meant to honor breakthrough research and inventions that change the landscape of modern science as well as our everyday lives. You can apply for nomination for the Vyzov Prize at премиявызов.рф before May 20th, 2024.

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